I don't remember what the story was on this one. (WAS there a story? Did I ever hear it?) I'm sure it had something to do with Zachary getting into the cupboard by himself (one of the child safety latches isn't installed quite right) and choosing those particular items to play with, for reasons known only to himself.
Video taken 4/16/09; Zachary is 19 months
Saturday, May 30, 2009
What's with the strainers?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Is...is that jelly he's eating right out of the container?? Why, yes, yes it is. And who's hand is that holding it...?
Video taken 4/6/09; Zachary is 18 months
And that, dear friends and family, catches us up to Easter. Whew!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Eating out with Neenie and Grandpa
The "tablecloths" at this restaurant are just big sheets of butcher paper. So we made good use of the crayons that were provided :)
Then our food arrived...
Videos taken 4/5/09; Zachary is 18 months
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Going Down
When my parents came to visit in April, we hiked Clingman's Dome (again, but this time it wasn't freezing!) On the way, we had to take a detour to go up and down these stairs.
Video taken 4/5/09; Zachary is 18 months
Friday, May 22, 2009
Playing Mailbox
Zachary pushed this card through the door and retrieved it over and over and over...For several days!
Video taken 3/26/09; Zachary is 18 months
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Clipping Clips
I was trying to get a video of Zachary learning how to clip the straps on his highchair. But he got distracted by the camera...
I tried a second time to capture the feat. He didn't get it clipped quite right, but that doesn't stop him from applauding for himself!
Videos taken 3/26/09; Zachary is 18 months
Monday, May 18, 2009
TN Ren Fest 2009
We thoroughly enjoyed the Renaissance Festival again this year. Zachary was much more interested than he was last year! But this also meant he wanted to get down and run around in the mud! I've posted the pictures to Shutterfly (click here), so you can enjoy those. And I don't think I've ever posted this video of the full-armored jousting. The video is from the first year we went to the festival: 2006.
Video taken 5/28/06
Monday, May 11, 2009
Zachary's Dedication
Parent/Child Dedication Service at Belmont Heights Baptist Church, Sunday May 10, 2009 (Mother's Day)
Led by Dr. Northcott.
Other participants: Nick and Kimberly and their three children, Gracie, Riley, and Asa.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Ultrasound Images!
I finally got the ultrasound images scanned! Here's a peek:Click on the image or click here to see the rest :)